Guide to Types of Check Stock

Check on Top
- Check stock with the check on the top of the page is very common for business-issued checks to vendors or contractors.
- This type of check stock is often called "L1".
- The check portion is at the top of the page and is 3.5" tall.
- The center portion is 3.5" tall.
- The bottom portion is 4" tall.
- To fit in a window envelope and have the address show through, the check is folded like a "Z".
Check on Middle
- Check stock with the check in the center of the page is used for certain types of accounting software.
- The top portion is 3.5" tall.
- The check portion is in the middle of the page and is 3.5" tall.
- The center portion is 3.5" tall.
- The bottom portion is 4" tall.
- To fit in a window envelope and have the address show through, the check is folded like a "C".
Check on bottom
- Check stock with the check on the bottom of the page is common for payroll checks.
- The top portion is 4" tall.
- The center portion is 3.5" tall.
- The check portion is at the bottom of the page and is 3.5" tall.
- To fit in a window envelope and have the address show through, the check is folded like a "Z".
Guide to Types of Check Stock

Buy Blank Check Stock to Use with Checksify
We make web software. We don't want to get into the business of selling paper — but we do want to point you to paper that works with our product. The links below take you to blank check stock that works with Checksify. All are available with Amazon Prime free 2-day shipping for Prime members.